Thursday, August 07, 2008


Bad News

Leroy came home from the doctor looking very worried. His wife said,

- "What's the problem?"

He said,

- "The doctor told me I have to take a pill every day for the rest of my life."

- "So what? his wife said. Lots of people have to take a pill every day their whole lives.

He said,

- "I know, but he only gave me four pills!"

Hot Temper

A member of the Senate, known for his hot temper and acid tongue, explodes one day in mid session and begins to shout,

- "Half of this Senate is made up of cowards and corrupt politicians!"

All the other Senators plead to the angry member that he withdraw his statement, or be removed from the remainder of the session. After a long pause, the angry member accepted.

- ”OK" he said, I withdraw what I said.

- “Half of this Senate is NOT made up of cowards and corrupt politicians...

I Lost My Wife

A man approached the very beautiful woman in the large supermarket and asked,

- "You know, I've lost my wife here in the supermarket. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?"

- "Why?" she asks.

- "Because every time I talk to a beautiful woman, my wife appears out of nowhere!"

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