Sunday, February 22, 2009

Word of The Day


Function: adjective

Comparative and superlative forms: snappier; snappiest also more snappy; most snappy

Status: informal

a - exciting or lively
e.g. snappy colors - a snappy tune

b - moving or able to move quickly
e.g. a snappy pace - a car with a snappy engine

fashionable or stylish
e.g. - a snappy (sharp) dresser - a snappy (snazzy) bow tie

clever and funny
e.g. a snappy (witty) joke/remark
The show is well-acted, and the dialogue is snappy.

feeling or showing irritation : snappish
e.g. He got pretty snappy about it. She was awfully snappy with me.

make it snappy or British look snappy
Status: informal
to act, move, or go quickly : hurry up
e.g. Clean your room, and make it snappy! (do it quickly)

Derived form:
snappily adverb Audio Pronunciation
e.g. snappily written essays - snappily dressed

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