This poster was released in the mid 80s and prompted a total recall of all posters because of the picture painted in ice-cubes at bottom right corner - a woman performing an act. The graphic artist who designed the picture put this in as a joke, and it went through unnoticed until someone spotted it on the back of a Coke truck. The artist lost his job and was sued, and all promotional material had to be recalled and destroyed.
“We do not want to set the whole world on fire”. We just want to stimulate you people find the adventure of learning English particularly satisfying. There is no single methodological approach to using the material in this BLOG. It all depends on you, your background and abilities in English. Do not think that you can learn without hard work.
“You can’t get blood from a turnip”! Read and read again! Check the words in bold type. Use the dictionary as many times as necessary. As you set to work, do not scratch only the surface, do not shoot in the dark. “Be worth your salt”! Do not see only one tree, but the whole jungle. We’re trying to do our best. You should do yours. Read and enjoy it. This Blog’s a bonus whether you are our present or former student. Keep in mind that English Unlimited is the one and only school where we have developed a unique experience designed to help you learn English and have fun at the same time. “You might forget our name but you’ll never forget our teaching!” HUGO CALDAS
Hugo Caldas já foi de tudo um pouco.
Sacristão, aeroviário, ator, autor, cineasta, professor de inglês, empresário e agente franqueado dos Correios. Possui um “Oscar” de melhor ator, recebido durante o I Festival de Arte Dramática da Paraíba - Prêmio Correio da Paraíba em Outubro de 1958. Nasceu em João Pessoa, PB, no final da década de 30 do século passado. Foi proprietário de uma rede de seis escolas de línguas em Recife-PE. Cursos especiais nas Universidades de Michigan, USA e Cambridge, UK. Trabalhou na Panair do Brasil, Varig, Transatlântica Argentina e no US Army. Gerenciou um Consórcio de Calçados do Pronaex, setor de exportação do Sebrae-PE. Só falta mesmo ser... soldado de policia. Presentemente se dá ao desfrute de colocar no papel experiências vividas. Outras nem tão vividas assim, e mais outras que gostaria de ter vivido. Pai de quatro filhos. Avô de seis netos. Considera que, apesar dos pesares, viveu até agora, uma vida muito bem vivida. Amou muitas mulheres, casou com duas delas. Espera o chamamento dos homens lá de cima com o passaporte já devidamente carimbado. Visto apenas de ida.
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