Monday, October 09, 2006


A permission to drive a car is called a License. In most countries you need to take a written test and a practical driving test to get a Driver’s License. In Massachusetts - USA for example, a person who is 16 years old can get a Learner’s Permit that allows him/her to drive with a licensed driver. With this permit, they are not allowed to drive between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. unless they are driving with a parent who is a licensed driver.
Learners can get a Driver’s License when they are 18 years old.The cost for a Learner’s Permit is $15.00 US. For a Driver’s License is $20.00 for the driving test and $33.75 for the Picture License.


Look at these two meanings of “Drive”:
Drive as a verb – means to control a car or any other vehicle.
e.g. we usually drive to school.

Drive as a noun – means to have purpose and energy for a goal or plan.
e.g. He has the drive to succeed.

When we drive a car, we usually have a location/place we want to reach.
When we have drive we have the purpose/energy to get to our goal/destination
which may or may not be a location/place.

Which sentences refer to driving a car ?

a) My wife drives very fast. (She really does)
b) He has a lot of drive.
c) Jack and Jill are driving to the airport now.
d) She is driven to finally reach her goal.


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