Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Clip of the Day

Good Old Times

"Way Out West" is a Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy comedy film released in 1937. It was directed by James W. Horne, produced by Stan Laurel and distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. This film was the second picture for which Laurel was credited as producer, the first was 1936's "Our Relations"; Laurel had served in that capacity uncredited for the duo's entire career. The executive producer was Hal Roach.

Film soundtrack

The film's score was composed by Marvin Hatley and nominated for an Academy Award for Best Music Scoring. The film includes two famous songs, "Trail Of The Lonesome Pine" sung by Laurel and Hardy except for a few lines by Chill Wills and Rosina Lawrence, lip-synched for comedic effect by Laurel and "At The Ball, That's All" sung by The Avalon Boys and accompanied by Laurel and Hardy performing an extended dance routine, which they rehearsed endlessly.

Times of non-violence and pure humor. Enjoy the clip. HC


W.J. Solha said...

Hugo, desse grupo cantando me lembro desde que o vi quando menino, na cena complementada pela chegada do Gordo e do Magro. Unforgettable.

Arael Costa said...

Valeu, caro amigo.
Só essa apresentação de Stan & Hardy já seria tudo.
Boas relembranças. Arael

Anonymous said...

Salutations à toutes et tous ,

En premier lieu , donnez-moi la possibilité de vous démontrer mon appréciation pour toutes les très "à propos" connaissances que j'ai rencontrées sur cet impressionnant site web .

Je ne suis pas sure d'être au bon section mais je n'en ai pas vu de meilleur.

Je demeure à Altona, États-Unis. J'ai 27 ans et j'élève 4 très gentils enfants qui sont tous âgés entre 9 ou 11 années (1 est adopté). J'aime bien beaucoup les animaux domestiques et j'essaie de leur donner les items qui leur rendent la vie plus diversifiée .

Merci dès maintenant pour toutes les formidables discussions qui viendront et je vous remercie surtout de votre compassion pour mon français moins qu'idéal : ma langue maternelle est le portuguais et je fais de mon mieux d'apprendre mais c'est très difficile!

A +


Hugo Caldas said...

Carry, minha cara
Este Blog é brasileiro portanto sinta-se em casa. Grato. Hugo Caldas - mediador