Friday, July 24, 2009

Teaching Tips & Ideas


FROM – De. Desde. Indica o objeto do qual alguma coisa é separada, removida, defendida etc. Emprega-se com várias outras preposições.


e.g.: - He is from Germany.
Rain comes from the sky.
Do never judge from appearances.
Defend us from all danger.
He retired from the party very early.
Brazil is separated from Portugal by the language.
They are so alike that I cannot distinguish one from another.
A familiar voice was heard from outside the door.
She stepped out from behind the curtain.

- Em. Dentro de. Indica interioridade. Refere-se também a grandes localidades. Continentes, Países, Estados, Cidades, Bairros, Meses, Ano. Um Período de Tempo qualquer.

e.g.: - They are in the classroom.

In Australia.
We live in Brazil.
In Pernambuco.
In Recife.
In Copacabana.
I usually go to Rio in July.
In 1963.
In the morning.
In the Afternoon.
In Summer.

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