Saturday, January 17, 2009

Teaching Tips & Ideas


The Verb To Have (Ter) in Portuguese is widely used, appearing in terms of our everyday life and often assuming an idiomatic role. The Verb To Have, which would be its equivalent in English, has a more restricted use, not appearing too much in idiomatic forms. The Verb To Be, on the other hand, covers in English a large area of significance, appearing in many expressions of our everyday life, similar to the Verb To Be (Ser) in Portuguese. Therefore the verb To Have corresponds to the verb To Be, in the examples below: H.C.

Quantos anos você tem? - How old are you?
Você tem certeza? - Are you sure?
Você tem razão. - You are right.
Não tenho medo de cachorro. - I'm not afraid of dogs.
O que é que tem de errado? - What's wrong?
Não foi culpa minha. - It wasn't my fault.
Tivemos sorte. - We were lucky.
Tenha cuidado. - Be careful.
Tenho pena deles (sinto por eles). - I'm sorry for them.
Não tenho condições de trabalhar. - I'm not able to work. / I can't work.
Ela tem vergonha de falar Inglês. - She's too shy to speak English.
Você tem que ter paciência. - You must be patient.
Ele tem jeito para línguas. - He's good at languages.
Um canteiro de fumo tem 2 metros de largura por 25 de comprimento. - A tobacco seedbed is 2 meters wide and 25 meters long.

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