Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Teaching Tips & Ideas


ABOUT - Em torno de. Cerca de. A respeito de.

1 - Indica a localização de objetos que cercam outro. (em torno de)
e.g.: - The outskirts about London are very beautiful.
We walked about the city.

2 - Indica proximidade a certo número, quantidade e tempo. (cerca de)
e.g.: - This city has about 500 thousand inhabitants.
Cesar lived about the year 44 B.C.
I’ll be home about midnight.

3 - Significa “a respeito de”.
e.g.: - I don’t want to talk about her to my parents.
What are you talking about ?
Are you talking about the UFO we saw last night ?

4 - “Indica que algo está a ponto de acontecer”.
e.g.: - She was about to burst into tears when he finally arrived.
The plane’s about to leave.

5 - Equivale a “com”, quando se trata de coisas pertencentes à pessoa, tais como: dinheiro, hábitos etc.
e.g.: - I’m sorry, but I have no money about me.
There is a certain air of dignity about her.

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