In 1774, a group of leaders from the American colonies met to discuss another form of government. In 1775, the Revolutionary War
broke out between the colonists and English soldiers. Finally, Thomas Jefferson wrote The Declaration of Independence to show England that the colonies wanted to govern themselves. On July 4, 1776, this document was signed and a new nation was born.. People rang bells and fired guns to announce the birth of The United States of America. Today,
bell-ringing and noisy fireworks are still popular ways to celebrate the Fourth of July. During the day, people get together with friends and family for a barbecue or a picnic. Many city parks
feature open-air concerts and play favorite American
tunes. Sometimes there are speeches about the nation’s history. At night, spectacular
displays of fireworks light up the sky. Most fireworks are illegal to use at home, but many community organizations
sponsor exciting fireworks programs in parks, stadiums, and even at the beach. The
dazzling colors and exciting explosive sounds give the audience feelings of joy and pride on this national holiday.
RULES OF THUMB“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy”. William Shakespeare
“Prepositions for instance”. H.Caldas.
AT – Em, A, Na, No, De, etc. Presença em determinado local. Usa-se para dizer as horas, referir-se a um período de tempo, expressões idiomáticas, o número do endereço e a pequenas localidades.
e.g.: - She was at school yesterday.
Who is at the door?
At the beginning of....
At the end of....
They laughed at me.
He was in the armchair at the fireside.
She looked at me with joy.
At Xmas. At Easter.
At 25 Monroe Street.
At 7 o’clock.
At war. At work.
At once. At last.
At noon. At present.
At least. At night.
LAUGHTER'S THE BEST MEDICINEI Would But...A wife, one evening, drew her husband's attention to the couple next door and said...
- "Do you see that couple? How devoted they are? He kisses her every time they meet and every time he leaves for work.. Why don't you do the same?"
- "I would love to, dear - replied the husband - but I don't know her well enough!"
At The Shrink Patient: - Doc, I had the worst dream of my life last night. I dreamed I was with twelve of the most beautiful chorus girls in the world. Blondes, brunettes, redheads, all dancing in a row on the stage...
Psychiatrist: - Hold it! That doesn't sound so terrible.
Patient: - Oh yeah? "In the dream, I was the third girl from the left!"
WORD OF THE DAYBird's-Eye Adjective:
seen from high aboveNote: Bird’s-eye is always used before a noun.
e.g. We had a bird's-eye view/perspective of the city as we flew over it.
QUOTE OF THE DAY"Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it”!
George Bernard Shaw.