Sunday, September 02, 2007



Where presence of mind is good but absence of body is better!

ADAM: A self-maid man!

ALTRUISM: The art of doing unselfish things for selfish reasons!

ALIMONY: The high cost of loving!

AGITATOR: A man who spouts about Capital & Labor but who never has any capital and never does any labor!

JAIL: The best place to find men with convictions!

JOKEBOOK: A jest seller!

JUDGE: A lawyer who knew a politician!

JANITOR: The only man who can make a quick clean-up in Wall Street and get away with it!

TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR: A misprint that can turn a hat into a cat and a baby sitter into a baby sister!

PRAYER: A message to Heaven, usually sent at night to get the low rate!

ADDRESSEE: The last person to read a post-card!

ALARM-CLOCK: An invention used to awake adults who have no babies!

- From Evan Esar's Comic Dictionary, Bramhall House, New York, 1960 -

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