The thumb is the short, thick finger on your hand, the one that helps
you hold things.
Thumb Nouns
The noun “thumb” is used in a lot of expressions:
to give someone the thumbs up/down
(to give someone approval/disapproval)
Thumb Nouns
The noun “thumb” is used in a lot of expressions:
to give someone the thumbs up/down
(to give someone approval/disapproval)
Thumb Verbs
'Thumb is also used as a verb.
to thumb a ride (informal)
to hitchhike; to try to get a ride by
standing on the road sticking out your thumb.
Thumb Idioms
Here are some idioms with thumb. Can you guess their idiomatic
meanings by thinking about their literal meanings?
To stick out like a sore thumb:
Betty sticks out like a sore thumb in that yellow dress. Everyone else is wearing blue.
(Betty looks very different from everyone else; she looks a little foolish.)
A green thumb:
He has a green thumb. He is good at making plants grow. Everything in his garden flourishes.
'Thumb is also used as a verb.
to thumb a ride (informal)
to hitchhike; to try to get a ride by
standing on the road sticking out your thumb.
Thumb Idioms
Here are some idioms with thumb. Can you guess their idiomatic
meanings by thinking about their literal meanings?
To stick out like a sore thumb:
Betty sticks out like a sore thumb in that yellow dress. Everyone else is wearing blue.
(Betty looks very different from everyone else; she looks a little foolish.)
A green thumb:
He has a green thumb. He is good at making plants grow. Everything in his garden flourishes.
A Rule of Thumb: (a practical rule) “You should pay your best attention to the Tips of Grammar
as well
as The
Rules of Thumb listed
in every issue of this BULLETIN”.