Sunday, October 08, 2006


Idioms using the word "Eat"

To Eat like a bird
= to eat very little
To Eat like a horse = to eat a lot of food and to eat often
To Eat your heart = to suffer from jealousy and envy
To Eat your words = to take back your words; to apologize for something that you said
To Eat out of your hand = to have someone do exactly as you wish
To Eat dirt = expression of triumph, said to a vehicle overtaken in a race

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uncle Hugo , I asked Alan about the idiom "eat at you " and he told me that it's uncommon but some people say it. I never heard anybody say it , though . "Eat you up " is much more used. I learned a good lesson today ! Thank you. Beijos!
And keep those lessons coming !
